How to interpolate tracking data.
Interpolation is a type of estimation, a method of constructing (or finding) new data ponts based on the range of a discrete set of known data points (source: wikipedia)
This post is about:
- How to prepare your data and use the
function interpolate from the package sula for
interpolating your tracking data
Interpolating your data might help you to:
- Fill
gaps on your tracking data, and/or
- To
make comparable trips when individuals were tracked at
different intervals
โฆ read more at the end of this page.
โ ๏ธHowever, while interpolating you should be very cautious, because you are creating locations where the bird might have not been.
This post step by step:
1. Load data
2. Identify nest location / or central location
3. Classify if the animal was inside the central location or
4. Count the number of trips
5. Interpolate only when the animal was on a trip
You can also just go directly to : interpolate
To do this exercise, load data from the package โsulaโ.
accessing the data, you need to have the package installed.
To install:
The data is from 10 tracked individuals.
Select only one individual.
Identify the trips allows to remove all the central locations (e.g.ย the nest), because usually you will be not interested in interpolating the locations where the animal was at their central location, only when it was in a trip.
Is also often the case that at fieldwork, the GPS are activated to start recording data just after releasing the animal back to their central location (-nest-)
Therefore, the first location recorded will correspond to their nest.
To identify the first location I use the function locate_nest from the package sula.
Because you might have different column names, you can add the names of your columns here in โcolumn_lonโ and โcolumn_latโ.
ID01_nest<-locate_nest(GPS_data = ID01_track,
column_lat = 'Longitude',
column_lon = 'Latitude')
# A tibble: 1 ร 2
Longitude Latitude
<dbl> <dbl>
1 -27.2 -109.
Manually: If you did not activate the GPS at their nest but you know the nest location, you can manually write it down.
Now that you have the nest location, the function identify_trips from the package sula helps you to identify when the bird was out on a trip.
The function adds a new column, where โYโ means that the location is outside the range you select (in the example 1 km), and โNโ means that the location is inside the range you select.
Therefore โYโ is when the bird was on a trip, and โNโ is when it was at the nest.
The function count_trips from the package sula removes the locations that are not trips (for example removes all rows where the animal was at the central location) and adds a column with the number of the trip.
To check when the trips started and ended you can also use functions from the package tidyverse.
ID01_onlytrips %>%
# A tibble: 5 ร 3
trip_number start end
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 trip_1 02/11/2017 19:34:31 02/11/2017 20:09:24
2 trip_2 03/11/2017 12:44:04 03/11/2017 14:30:00
3 trip_3 04/11/2017 07:45:17 04/11/2017 09:41:28
4 trip_4 04/11/2017 17:05:36 04/11/2017 20:41:10
5 trip_5 05/11/2017 09:06:13 05/11/2017 11:26:14
If you know when the trip started and ended, you can also add the trip classification manually, using also functions from the package tidyverse.
ID01_onlytrips <- ID01_trips %>%
DateGMT == '02/11/2017' & TimeGMT >= '19:34:31' & TimeGMT <= '20:09:24' ~ 'trip_1',
DateGMT == '03/11/2017' & TimeGMT >= '12:44:04' & TimeGMT <= '14:30:00' ~ 'trip_2',
DateGMT == '04/11/2017' & TimeGMT >= '07:45:17' & TimeGMT <= '09:41:28' ~ 'trip_3',
DateGMT == '04/11/2017' & TimeGMT >= '17:05:36' & TimeGMT <= '20:41:10' ~ 'trip_4',
DateGMT == '05/11/2017' & TimeGMT >= '09:06:13' & TimeGMT <= '11:26:14' ~ 'trip_5',
TRUE ~ "nest")) %>%
filter(trip_number != 'nest')
Once the data frame contains columns with Longitude, Latitude, and trip_number, the trips can be interpolated.
The function interpole_trips from the package sula helps you to interpolate the locations based on an interval. In the examples below 900 secs = 15 minutes and 60 sec = 1 minute
Because you might have different column names, this function has a lot of arguments, but basically you just need to replace the name of your data frame, the interval you are interested to do the interpolation, the column names, and the format your date and time is presented.
interval='900 sec',
datetime_format<-"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
interval='60 sec',
datetime_format<-"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
In case you want to interpolate a specific trip, or everything (including the central location), and you already have a datetime column in the correct format (so R can understand is date and time) there is also the function interpolate in the package sula that interpolates all the locations.
For example, to interpolate a specific trip, subset the trip you are interested in interpolating.
Use the function interpolate. Here I select the dataframe, the interval ofinterest, and the name of the columns that will be included in the interpolation.
GPS01_trip1_interpolated<-interpolate(GPS_data = GPS01_trip5,
interval='10 sec',
column_datetime = 'dia_hora',
column_lat = 'Latitude',
column_lon = 'Longitude')
Now lets compare the before and after, the tracking data vs the interpolated data.
The package patchwork lets us see the plots side by side.
Create three plots, one using the original points, and two using the interpolation to compare.
Original_track<-ggplot(ID01_onlytrips, aes(x=Longitude, y=Latitude, color=trip_number)) +
ggtitle('Original tracking data')+
Interpolated_15m<-ggplot(ID01_interpolated15m, aes(x=Longitude, y=Latitude, color=trip_number)) +
ggtitle('Interpolated to 15 mins')+
Interpolated_1m<-ggplot(ID01_interpolated1m, aes(x=Longitude, y=Latitude, color=trip_number)) +
ggtitle('Interpolated to 1 min')+
Now it is up to you to decide which interpolation interval fits better to your study.
TL;DR (too long; didnโt read)
ID01_track<-GPS_raw %>% filter(IDs=='GPS01')
interval='900 sec',
datetime_format<-"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
Some of the reasons to interpolate data are:
To fit the GPS locations with diving data. For example: Lerma et al.ย 2020, Browning et al.ย 2017
Because the recorded data was different between individuals, and thus interpolating data provides fixed intervals. For example: Borrmann et al.ย 2019
To fill occasional gaps in the tracking data, particularly for animals that dive and do not receive signal when submerged. For example: Iorio-Merlo et al.ย 2022.
If you can think on another case when interpolation is necessary please do not hesitate to write me to include it on the list.
Also if you use the function from the package sula please consider including the package in your citations.
For more details or suggestions you can also always write me an email